Wake Monarch Academy News

Second Annual Wake Monarch Academy Graduation

THANK YOU to EVERYONE who came out to celebrate this momentous occasion with us. We appreciate you taking the time to show your support! We are very grateful!!

What an incredible day yesterday!! Our second annual Wake Monarch Academy Graduation Ceremony is complete. It was an honor and privilege to award three outstanding WMA students their high school diplomas. We are all so INCREDIBLY proud of them!! Not only did they achieve academic success, but these three represent over 1100 days in sobriety!!! From their first day at WMA to present, our new graduates have shown an incredible ability to overcome challenges and use their experience to help others. They have grown as individuals and have become well-rounded individuals that set a good example for others to follow.

A special THANK YOU to our graduate, Christian, who spent hours putting together his own thoughts and researching graduation speeches to communicate exactly what he wanted to say. He sent it to me earlier this week to get feedback and I told him it was literally, “Perfect!” He didn’t need to change a word. Everything Christian shared showed his personality, his respect and love for his fellow graduates, and mature advice for the future. It was an OUTSTANDING Graduate Address!! From sharing his testimony, his first public speaking opportunity, at our 2022 Gala for Recovery, to delivering what he did yesterday, all I can say is, “WOW!!” What a blessing you are, Christian, to your parents, Suzanne Kearney Villadsen and Peter Villadsen, your family, your peers, and to anyone that knows you. Thank you for representing all the graduates and speaking such profound words of wisdom. WE LOVE YOU!!!

A special THANK YOU to Jacques Gilbert, Mayor of Apex, for being our 2024 Commencement speaker. The valuable insight and words of encouragement you shared, were powerful and well received. Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate ALL you do and look forward to continuing our collaboration!!

A special THANK YOU to our WMA parents. THANK YOU for entrusting us with your teens and giving us the opportunity to help provide the best possible support we could offer. It takes a village and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of your teen’s success.

A special THANK YOU to Seven Marks Church for your continued service and support. Through the years, you have consistently encouraged and supported all we have done. Thank you for ALL you do for us and for our community!

CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!!! YOU DID IT!!! You are now WMA’s treasured alumni!!! WAY TO GO!!!

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