5th Annual

Recovery Golf Classic

Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Foursome Registration

Thank you for sponsoring the 5th Annual Recovery Classic benefitting Wake Monarch Academy!  As part of your generous sponsorship, you receive entry for foursomes based on the tier of sponsorship you purchased.  If you aren’t sure which tier you purchased, please reach out to Jeremy Davis for assistance.

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Organization Primary Contact Information

Please provide the contact information for the person who ordered your sponsorship.

Sponsorship Level

Foursome Details

Please provide as much information as you have about your foursome(s) from your sponsorship.

Contact for More Information

To reserve your sponsorship, or for more information or questions, please contact
Jeremy Davis
(919) 271-6992

Availability of sponsorship perks are based on print and digital deadlines.
Wake Monarch Academy Tax ID #83-2148694

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